Speed Demons Beware

The need for safety should always take priority over speed. Some new legislation may put the brakes on repeat monstrous drivers.

If new legislation by Brooklyn officials passes it will require the installation of an intelligent device that would limit speed in vehicles of repeated traffic law offenders.

There are two identical pieces of legislation, bill A07979 sponsored by NYS Assembly Member Emily Gallagher and bill S07621 sponsored by NYS Senator Andrew Gounardes and NYS senator Brad Hoyman-Sigal. They were first brought to public attention during a press conference August 1, and then were officially introduced August 18. Bill A07979 was referred to the NYS Assembly Transportation Committee and bill S07621 was referred to the NYS Senate Rules Committee. From here, the bills would move to the On Floor Calendar NYS Assembly/Senate before passing and being brought to the NYS Governor.

Both bill summaries say, “Requires the installation of intelligent speed assistance devices if a driver accumulates eleven or more points on their driving record during an eighteen month period, or receives 6 speed camera or red light camera tickets during a twelve month period.”

The device that would be installed is called a “speed limiter” and would place a cap on the speed in which a vehicle can travel in specific zones.

Traffic violators will have to keep the speed limiter installed until the end of their license suspension, imprisonment, revocation, or until the end of a twelve month period. If the person fails to demonstrate safe driving practices, then the speed limiter can be issued for up to thirty-six more months.

The person responsible for the traffic violations will have to pay for the device unless the court deems this not financially possible.

Annually, the commissioner will give a report to the governor on matters such as how many people are being required to use the device, how many violations have occurred in vehicles using the device, those who are not following the protocols for installing the device, etc. Anyone will be able to view this information at the websites for the  Department of Transportation and Department of Motor Vehicles.

Author: Sophia Heit

Writer and photographer for Greenline | North Brooklyn News since August 2023.

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